Rethinking GitOps: Moving Beyond Branch-Based Deployment

3 min readJan 30, 2024



In the evolving landscape of software development, GitOps has become a cornerstone methodology. However, the traditional practice of using Git branches for deploying to different environments is showing its limitations. This article explores the necessity for a modern approach in software deployment.

The Problem with Branch-Based Deployment

Branch-based deployment, once a standard, is increasingly seen as problematic. Managing pull requests and merges across numerous branches can lead to errors, configuration drift, and maintenance challenges. As organizations scale, the complexity of maintaining a branch for each environment becomes overwhelming and error-prone. This approach also struggles to align with Kubernetes-centric tools like Helm and Kustomize.

The Attractiveness and Shortcomings of Branch-Based Deployment

Promoting releases through Git merges in a branch-based setup seems straightforward but often leads to merge conflicts and the inadvertent inclusion of unwanted changes. This simplicity is a facade masking underlying complexities and potential for errors.

Configuration Drift: A Subtle Yet Significant Issue

One major risk of branch-based deployment is configuration drift, where changes in one environment are not properly tracked or merged back, leading to inconsistencies and potential deployment issues.

Embracing a New Approach

To address these challenges, we recommend a new strategy:

Separate Repositories

Utilize separate repositories for application source code and environment configuration. This simplifies management and aligns with GitOps principles.

Trunk-Based Development

Adopt trunk-based development with feature flags. This approach is more effective for managing different features across environments.

Integration with Kubernetes Tools

Align your deployment strategy with Kubernetes tools. Opt for file-and-folder-based management as recommended by Helm and Kustomize.

Real-World Example

Consider a case where Company X transitioned from branch-based deployment to a GitOps model. They experienced a 50% reduction in deployment errors and a significant improvement in collaboration between their development and operations teams.

Sample Code for Kubernetes Deployment

Here’s an example of how Kubernetes deployment is managed in a GitOps model:

# Kubernetes deployment YAML
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: example-deployment
replicas: 3
app: example
app: example
- name: example
image: example/image:latest
- containerPort: 80

Impact on Team Workflow

Transitioning to GitOps can streamline workflow, enhance collaboration, and improve deployment efficiency.


Moving away from branch-based deployment in GitOps signifies a shift towards more efficient and less error-prone practices. By aligning with modern tools and methods, organizations can enhance their deployment processes.




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